Our girls have that little bit extra

Join the Malta Girl Guides

International Opportunities

If you are interested in going abroad as part of your guiding journey, below are some ideas and options to start you off! For more information you can always contact the international team on international@maltagirlguides.com

World Centres

Any member of the Malta Girl Guides Association can visit the amazing world centres, on your own, with your family or with your guides group. You can also apply to work as a volunteer if you are over 18 years of age. Applying to volunteer is done at least 6 months prior and more information can be found on the individual websites below. Always ask the international team for help if you are interested.

Our Cabana, Mexico www.ourcabana.org

Chalet, Switzerland www.ourchalet.org

Pax Lodge, UK www.paxlodge.org

Sangam, India www.sangamworldcentre.org