Our girls have that little bit extra

Join the Malta Girl Guides

I Promise…

A Senior Ranger’s Promise

I promise that I will do my best,

To do my duty to God,

To serve my country,

To help other people

And to keep the Guide Laws.This is recited during the Promise Ceremony. 

After the promise is recited, you will do the left-hand shake and salute. Your are then are asked to salute your Country flag as well as the WAGGGS World Flag.

We have a special hand-shake for us girl guides – We use our left hand to shake hands with sister guides to show that our handshake is truthful and from the heart – this is because our left hand is closest to our heart.

The Salute is a hand gesture that represents the three points of the promise: Duty to God, Serve your Country & other People, and keep the Guide laws.

Senior Ranger’s Motto is to Be Prepared – with all the skills learnt from Girl Guiding, a Ranger must always remember to be prepared for anything. Be it a First Aid Kit in case of an emergency to being prepared for life – to live life happily and with no regret as you try hard to do your best in everything you do. 

The Guide’s Laws are laws that a girl guide must try to follow in everything she does and with everyone she meets.

A guide is loyal and can be trusted.

A Guide is helpful and considerate.

A guide makes good use of her time and abilities.

A guide is a friendly and shares in the sisterhood of guiding

A Guide is polite and respectful.

A guide protects the environment and respects all living things